| 1. | What is your overall approach to organizational learning and sharing your knowledge assets within the organization 您采用何种方法在您的组织中学习和分享您的知识财产? |
| 2. | Effective knowledge assets ' sharing becomes one of the crucial factors of increasing core competence of the enterprise 摘要有效的知识资产分享是增加企业核心竞争力的关键因素之一。 |
| 3. | Considering the institutional knowledge asset and how the repository will operate , then choose the proper software and standard 结合机构的知识资产以及将来如何运用机构知识库中的资源来选择建库工具和遵循的标准。 |
| 4. | As an important knowledge management tool , knowledge map provides the knowledge sharing platform of tacit and explicit knowledge assets 知识地图是一项重要的知识管理工具,为显性和隐性知识资产提供了一个知识分享平台。 |
| 5. | Generally speaking , km is a specific management to knowledge assets of the organization , so that the value of knowledge can be maximized 简单地讲,知识管理就是对组织的知识资产进行专门的管理,以使知识价值最大化。 |
| 6. | In today ' s information - driven economy , the value of the organization is determined by its knowledge assets rather than other physical assets . an effective km has become the key component of the organization ' s core competence 在以知识为经济发展基础的今天,组织的最大价值决定于无形的知识资产而不是其它的有形资产,由此,对知识的管理成为组织核心竞争力的重要部分。 |
| 7. | Enterprises " characters and refer to the foreign experience , the author ties to build a new system of performance evaluation . this system links the financial evaluation with nonfmancial evaluation , specially in nonfmancial evaluation , this system evaluates high tech . enterprises form r & d , ability of innovation and contribution of knowledge asset to remedy the disadvantages of financial evaluation 该体系实行财务评价与非财务评价相结合,尤其在非财务评价方面,本文从企业研究与开发( r & d ) 、创新能力和知识资产贡献等三个方面对高新技术企业的绩效进行评价,从而弥补财务评价的不足。 |
| 8. | The aim studied in this dissertation focus on technique resolving and realizing e - government system based on km , the purpose of this dissertation is to enable the organization and organization worker receive individualized knowledge and information at right way in right time , enhance the co - operation and workflow automation inside an organization , make it easy for knowledge releasing and sharing , make the organization internal knowledge and experience inherited and accumulated to become important knowledge assets of an organization 研究的目的在于解决并实现基于km的电子政务系统中的某些关键技术,使组织及其知识工作者便于知识的发布与共享、增强组织内工作的协同和流程自动化,使组织内部的知识累积传承,成为组织的重要资产。 |
| 9. | The thesis analyzes the meaning of definition of property rights . different definition of property rights can provide different encouragement . software has characteristics of knowledge assets , such as publicity , exclusivity and exhaustibility ; but it is more complex to define the software property rights 最后从效率的角度出发,对现行法律关于软件侵权行为的法律责任的一些规定加以分析,试图找到在侵权行为发生后,什么是对侵权人的合理制裁以及侵权人的合理赔偿。 |